12 Irreplaceable Human Skills and the Role of HR in the Age of AI

by Laurie Howell 

At APW, we are constantly thinking about what skills will be needed in the very near and even distant future in the field of human resources.  While technology and AI are transforming various aspects of the HR field, we know there are certain areas where human skills and expertise will remain indispensable.

As we continue to explore how HR will remain relevant, and to share where we are so far in this journey with our research, below are skills and characteristics we believe will remain must needed “human” skills.

  1. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: As HR pros, we often deal with sensitive matters, such as employee conflicts, performance issues, and personal challenges employees may be experiencing. Emotional intelligence and empathy skills are and will continue to be crucial for understanding and addressing unique emotions and needs of individuals, for providing empathic support, and for helping create and maintain cultures and relationships.
  2. Employee Relations and Conflict Resolution: Complex interpersonal issues and conflicts are more prevalent than ever in the workplace. Skilled HR professionals are needed to mediate, resolve, and even be proactive in order to prevent conflicts. Considering the nuances of each situation and ensuring fair treatment for all parties involved will be a skill that only trained humans can perform.
  3. Leadership Development and Coaching: HR professionals play a vital role in providing managers with guidance and coaching, as well as helping them to develop, assess, and support their direct reports. Coaching and developing strong leaders will require various levels of personalized guidance and coaching.
  4. Cultural and Diversity Management: While technology can aid in data analysis, understanding and managing a diverse workforce requires human insight. HR professionals need to create inclusive environments, promote diversity, and address cultural nuances and sensitivities.
  5. Strategic Planning and Decision-Making: While AI can provide data-driven insights, human judgment is essential for making complex strategic decisions that align with an organization’s values, goals, and long-term vision.
  6. Ethical Decision-Making: HR professionals often encounter ethical dilemmas related to employee privacy, fairness, and compliance. Human judgment is crucial in navigating these situations while upholding ethical standards.
  7. Employee Engagement and Wellbeing: Building a positive work culture, promoting employee engagement, and ensuring employee wellbeing involve understanding individual needs and tailoring initiatives to address them, which requires human sensitivity and understanding.
  8. Creativity and Innovation: HR professionals contribute to developing new approaches to talent acquisition, retention, and development. Creativity is required to design programs that attract, motivate, and engage employees in innovative ways.
  9. Communication and Relationship Building: Effective communication skills are necessary for conveying complex information, facilitating teamwork, and building strong relationships with employees at all levels.
  10. Change Management: Managing organizational change involves helping employees adapt to new processes, technologies, and structures. Human skills are essential to address concerns, manage resistance, and guide individuals through transitions.
  11. Personalization of Employee Experience: Understanding the unique needs and aspirations of individual employees requires human insight. Customizing career paths, learning opportunities, and development plans requires a personal touch.
  12. Ethical AI and Bias Mitigation: While AI can assist in recruitment and decision-making, it’s important to ensure that algorithms are fair, unbiased, and aligned with ethical guidelines. Human oversight is necessary to prevent algorithmic bias.

In essence, while technology can, does already, or will automate certain HR functions and provide data-driven insights, human skills such as empathy, critical thinking, ethical judgment, and effective communication will continue to be essential in handling complex and nuanced aspects of human resources management. The future of HR will likely involve a balance between technology and human expertise, combining the best of both worlds to create a positive and productive work environment. The nuances of things as they play out are still evolving, but we know human beings will continue to be the core of human resources. 


If you’d like to know more about how AustinPeopleWorks can help you with your human resources needs, including your recruiting efforts, please reach out to us at https://austinpeopleworks.com/contact