People Showcase

We’re proud to introduce you to our cutting-edge recruitment tool!

People Showcase is actively solving some of the biggest challenges faced by companies in the hiring process, including speed to hire, authenticity of candidates, and deeper insights into what candidates really want and need.

What is People Showcase?

  • It’s a revolutionary platform that allows candidates to showcase their skills, experience, and personality in a way that traditional resumes can’t.
  • Candidates create an online profile that includes videos, images, and other content that provides more context and dimension.
  • Profile videos include candidates sharing more about themselves and can also include responses to job-specific questions.
  • By leveraging the power of video presentations, you can quickly assess and advance candidates in the hiring process, come to know the real person behind the resume, and assist in making more informed decisions.

A Speed-to-Hire Solution

  • Your team faces several challenges in the recruitment process, including a shortage of resources, a limited pool of applicants, and the enormous amount of time associated with scheduling multiple interviews with various stakeholders.
  • On top of that, traditional recruitment methods can be impersonal and make it difficult to assess the fit of a candidate with your organization’s culture and values. This can result in longer hiring times or not hiring candidates who would truly thrive in positions your team desperately needs.
  • If given the opportunity to hear candidates talk about their experience and what they are truly interested in doing, and if you could screen candidate profiles at times that work for your schedule, the hiring process timeline would speed up considerably. You could focus more of your time where you need to spend it.
  • With an cost effective, scalable pricing model, People Showcase is a speed-to-hire solution that is accessible and affordable for companies struggling with hiring and retaining top talent.

How it Works with Our Recruitment Offerings

When you partner with APW for your talent acquisition initiatives, you can choose from two options:

  • People Showcase is included with our APW Prime Recruitment offering (click HERE to learn more about this service), so you’ll automatically receive profiles for shortlisted candidates from our recruitment team.
  • For our APW Lite Recruitment offering, you have the ability to use the People Showcase Add-On service to help you focus on making the final hiring decision. (Click HERE to learn more about these services.)

Feedback from Hiring Managers

Feedback Hiring Managers

Curious to see the platform itself? Please feel free to go to Since it’s currently free for job seekers to use People Showcase, you can check out some of the showcased talent currently active on the platform to get a sense of it.