The Secret to Scaling Without HR Headaches: Discover APW’s Monthly HR Support Lite Package

by Allison Hosgood


Running a small business is exhilarating and challenging in equal measure. The thrill of growth, the excitement of raising capital, and the anticipation of expansion can be quickly overshadowed by the daunting task of managing your most critical asset – your people. At APW, we understand that small businesses often feel too stretched to hire an internal HR team but too burdened to handle HR tasks themselves. This is where our Monthly HR Support Lite Package becomes your secret weapon.


Growing Pains and HR Strains

Imagine your company is on the brink of significant growth. You’ve secured the funding, the expansion plans are in place, but then reality sets in: you need people to execute these plans. Suddenly, HR becomes a pressing concern, and without experienced, knowledgeable support, your dream of growth could become a logistical nightmare.


Many small businesses resort to absorbing HR responsibilities into other functions. Maybe it’s the Finance team processing payroll or the Operations Manager juggling onboarding alongside daily duties. This patchwork approach can work temporarily, but the cracks soon show. Added job duties lead to burnout, increased turnover, and significant compliance and legal risks. Simply put, you don’t know what you don’t know.


One option is to work with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). However, while PEOs offer a one-stop-shop, they often fall short on the personalized touch and can dilute your company culture. PEOs typically provide generic HR responses and support, failing to address the unique needs and circumstances of your company. Instead of offering tailored consulting, they typically direct clients to generic forms, links, or other resources, which may not resolve the specific issues you face. Additionally, PEOs can be expensive as they typically charge per employee per year. This cost can escalate quickly as your company scales.


The APW Advantage: Outsourced HR Support

Enter APW’s Monthly HR Support Package – the perfect solution for growing small businesses. Our package provides access to a team of experienced HR professionals for one affordable monthly rate based on the amount of time your company may need. Since we know workload and business needs can change quickly, there’s no annual contract, and you control your usage, determining what needs to be addressed and managed on a week-to-week and month-to-month basis. What’s included in the package to customize around your needs:

  • HR Advisement/Consultation: Need strategic guidance or help with a tricky situation? Our experts are just a call away.
  • HR Documentation: Access a repository of forms and templates to handle any HR need.
  • Tactical HR Support: From multi-state payroll processing to benefits administration, as well as onboarding, policy development, compensation guidance, recruitment strategies, and performance management – we can be your extra pair of hands.
  • Responsive Support: Get responses within 4 hours during the business day or the next morning if after hours.


Lite Package for Small Businesses: Tailored Support as You Grow

Our small businesses clients especially appreciate the Lite version of our package. The base monthly minimum is only $525/month for up to 5 hours/month, which is enough support to make a significant difference without breaking the bank.


Our Lite package is designed to grow with you. When you require more support, we offer additional blocks of time. Plus, we can assist you if you ever need to go beyond the package, such as when you need help with special HR projects, recruitment, or interim HR to cover vacancies.


Ready to Transform Your HR Approach?

Don’t let HR challenges stifle your growth. With APW’s Monthly HR Support Package, you can focus on what you do best – building your business. Let us handle the HR headaches with expertise, flexibility, and a personal touch that sets us apart from the rest. Take advantage of a flexible, cost-effective way to ensure your HR needs are met without overwhelming your existing team or incurring expenses you may not need to spend for more than needed.


By choosing APW, you’re not just getting HR support; you’re gaining a partner committed to your business’s growth and success. Let’s take your small business to new heights, together.


Contact us today at and discover how we can support your journey to success.