Focus On Where Your Ship Is Sailing

by Laurie Howell

Kyle Evans points out in his excellent articleProduct Thinking vs. Project Thinking, that “One of the biggest challenges a product manager will face (or an organization for that matter) is trying to elevate thinking and culture from a project level to a product level.” 

So, what are the benefits of letting go of project timelines in favor of focusing on outcomes? A great question and one that can differ dramatically based on industry and who’s solving the problem at hand. However, it’s worth slowing down and focusing on what is the desired outcome of any situation, problem, or goal. Sometimes the hardest question an entrepreneur is faced with is, “Where exactly is my company going, and what will it look like when we get there?”    

For successful visionaries who have answered this question, it’s all about reverse engineering and creating a plan on how to get there, wherever there is. On the other hand, it’s hard to “get there” if you don’t know where or what there is. And by the way, a vision can be anything someone is setting out to achieve and doesn’t only apply to business owners and entrepreneurs.  

Evans says, “While project thinking focuses on coming up with solutions up-front and then delivering against a schedule, product thinking keeps the focus on the outcome.”  

By focusing on the solution and end game vs. the immediate problem and obstacle, we’re able to move forward and with more purpose and understanding. Once we understand the situation and know where we’re heading, designing how we get there becomes much easier. Progress will happen as long as we’re progressing toward our vision – our North Star so to speak. 

This method of thinking can work for just about anything we as humans face because it’s focused on identifying what it is you really want or need and THEN identifying all the activities and things needed to get there. For those of us not skilled, trained, or educated in this way of engineering thinking, this small mind shift can be a catapult to re-infuse energy and creativity into our endeavors.  

So, the question is, if you’re embarking or even well on your way to building and creating something you believe will be amazing, do you know what “it” will be or look like when you get there? It’s ok if you’re still not quite sure because things evolve along the way, but as a business owner, you’ve got to constantly communicate where your ship is sailing. 


If you’d like to know more about how AustinPeopleWorks can help you reach your North Star, please reach out to us at